Butts, J. A., Roman, C. G., Bostwick, L., & Porter, J. R. (2015). Cure violence: A public health model to reduce gun violence. Annual Reviews. Retrieved from http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031914-122509
The article taken from an online resource highlights research findings that confirm the effectiveness of the Cure Violence model, a public health approach to reducing gun violence in U.S. cities. Besides, the authors discuss a range of limitations pertaining to the use of this model by referring to unanswered questions concerning such challenges as changes in rates of shootings and violence in cities. Notably, this editorial is of immense significance for the literature review since it …show more content…
(2016). BU study measures impact of gun-control laws: Identifies state laws that substantially reduce deaths. BU Today. Retrieved from https://www.bu.edu/today/2016/gun-control-laws/
The article reviews studies aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of existing firearm policies and the ways in which different states apply them. The resource contains relevant statistical data to measure the seriousness of gun deaths in the U.S.A. and the efficiency of laws that were initiated to address the inconsistencies of the Brady Law. Despite the absence of an in-depth analysis of the issue discussed, the article is useful due to its ability to substantiate the drawbacks of gun control policies in different states/cities and emphasize the lack of knowledge related to firearm control measures in general.
Everytown, National Urban League, & Mayors against Illegal Guns. (2016). Strategies for reducing gun violence in American cities. Retrieved from …show more content…
The researchers found out that victimization of children, adolescents, and young adults and definition of violence are two common targets of violence prevention efforts that, in turn, need to be initiated and undertaken. By emphasizing relevant factors contributing to the spread of violence in urban areas, the article makes it possible to acquire a better understanding of implications for gun control policies in inner cities in the context of violent victimization of youths.
Webster, D. W., Vernick, J. S., Vittes, K., McGinty, E. E., Teret, S. P., & Frattaroli, S. (2012). The case of gun policy reforms in America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The editorial contains statistical data representing the threatening situation associated with gun violence in the United States. It does not measure the effectiveness of specific gun control laws but helps acquire a better understanding of why this situation should be addressed. Most importantly, it highlights the causes of debates surrounding gun control. The source is essential for the literature review since it casts light upon circumstances determining the difficulties of enacting gun control