Gulliver Quotes

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Quotes: 1. (Gulliver speaking about his own life before his adventures) “I was the Third of five Sons. I was bound Apprentice to Mr. James Bates, an eminent Surgeon in London. My Father now and then sending me small Sums of Money.” This quote relates to my first question because I think Gulliver’s upbringing has a lot to do with his temperament. He’s the middle child and had to work for a lot of what he got. He’s humble and not arrogant, which would explain his lack of aggression at being in a difficult place. 2. (Gulliver speaking to the emperor and learning about the culture) “dominions extend five thousand blustrugs (about twelve miles in circumference) to the extremities of the globe; monarch of all monarchs, taller than the sons …show more content…
(Gulliver learning about the process by which government officials are elected) “ with a dance on the rope, and whoever jumps the highest, without falling, succeeds in the office. Very often the chief ministers themselves are commanded to show their skill, and to convince the emperor that they have not lost their faculty. Flimnap, the treasurer, is allowed to cut a caper on the straight rope, at least an inch higher than any lord in the whole empire. I have seen him do the summersault several times together upon a trencher.” I think this quote says more about Swift than it does about Gulliver. The very first thought I had while reading this was that it was satire about the government because they are literally jumping through hoops to get into the government positions. It has little to do with merit but rather one’s abilities to navigate a very specific task. 4. (Gulliver in Glubbdubdrib speaking to the ghosts) “But when some confessed they owed their greatness and wealth to sodomy, or incest; others, to the prostituting of their own wives and daughters; others, to the betraying of their country or their prince; some, to poisoning; more to the perverting of justice, in order to destroy the innocent, I hope I may be pardoned” Again, I think this is commentary by Swift on government. Here, people lie and cheat their way to the top. There is a lot of

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