Gubbins Should Not Be Allowed In High Schools Research Paper

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*In case you're wondering, the title refers to some training we once had from an education board representative who earnestly told us that that we shouldn't be using the term 'brainstorm' any more. Because, and he honestly said this out loud, he felt that it was 'offensive to epileptics' and the supremely arsey 'thought shower' would be much more politically correct. Yes indeed. Rather than letting us get on with the business of actually imparting knowledge, many government officials think this kind of gubbins is a good use of our time. The same bloke also mused, out loud, for half an hour on whether 'disabled toilet' shouldn't be changed to 'lavatory for the challenged'. The former, you see, could lead the unwary to believe that it was the toilet that was disabled, rather than the person needing to use it. Anyway, I digress. Whiteboards... …show more content…
With such a broad spectrum of issues, part of our school's ethos is to ensure that each child experiences success and feels pride in themselves and their work. For us teachers, that can mean a move away from traditional recording methods to allow children greater freedom. So, whilst we still use pen and paper, we also encourage children to make use of iPads, laptops, sand trays, symbols, drawings, sign language (Makaton), malleable materials and individual whiteboards to express themselves. The whiteboards in my classroom are a motley and battered lot, as they have been mostly inherited from other teachers. The ones that are in the best shape (and therefore get the most use) are these Brainstorm

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