Grieving Scenarios

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The purpose of this session is to provide a safe, supportive group setting for adolescents who have suffered loss through death, illness or other experiences. This session was to get the group members familiar with each and being a part of this type of group experience. To build rapport, review goals and expectations while discussing the issue of confidentiality. (Capuzzi David, 2003)
As human we experience loss throughout our lives. However, the most profound is the loss of important persons in our lives whether through death, abandonment or otherwise. Worden (1982) has defined four tasks that must be completed for a person who has experienced loss though death to enable them to successfully make the transition into normal
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One group member said that grief is normal reaction to loss. Another said it is the process of dealing with the loss and another said that it was feelings of sadness. Others commented that the loss is what happens before the grief and that it was the absence of something/someone you once had. The group leader then highlight the fact that grief is a process that one goes through and different individuals handles or manages grief/loss in different ways. The group leader also stated that it is healthy to talk about the grief and it was a normal reaction to cry. In addition to what was share the group leader then discussed that ‘grieving is a personal and highly individual experience. How you grieve depends on many factors, including your personality and coping style, your life experience, your faith, and the nature of the loss. The grieving process takes time’. (Smith Melinda and Segal Jeanne, …show more content…
At the end the group leader asked for a quick feedback to assess what was done. One group member expressed that she need to hear more about the goals and expectations of the group. This was discussed and the group members were given an opportunity to share their personal expectations. The said that this session will give them an opportunity to:
 learn how to handle individual emotions surrounding grief/loss
 release bad feelings and thoughts
 understand grief better
 learn how to cope with grief/loss of a loved one
Feedback from the group was that the session was well put together; the group leaders were engaging. One criticism of the session was that the question icebreaker was a bit lengthy which was noted for improvement. The group members said they were shocked and appreciative of the

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