Everyone at some point in their lives will experience loss and grieving. Loss of a loved one is an inevitable part of life (Craig, 2010). Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1969) was the first to identify that there are five observable stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It is believed that grief and bereavement is universal and unavoidable (Bolden, 2007) . It is also accepted that everyone grieves differently as bereavement is a unique experience, but ultimately go through the stages of grief as part of natural healing (Craig,2010; Utz, Caserta & Lund,2011).
Everyone at some point in their lives will experience loss and grieving. Loss of a loved one is an inevitable part of life (Craig, 2010). Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1969) was the first to identify that there are five observable stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It is believed that grief and bereavement is universal and unavoidable (Bolden, 2007) . It is also accepted that everyone grieves differently as bereavement is a unique experience, but ultimately go through the stages of grief as part of natural healing (Craig,2010; Utz, Caserta & Lund,2011).