The North Campus of Caringbah High School is an abandoned building in Caringbah, New South Wales (NSW) that is used for recreational art by the community, also known as graffiti (Walker and Johnston, 2014). The building is considered private property, and is not classified as a legal sanction for graffiti. However, this building has the potential to become a legal mural for the Caringbah community. This report will outline the positive impacts that can occur from legal graffiti murals and positive attitudes towards graffiti within a community.
Reason for intervention:
The mural intervention was chosen as a sole focus within this report due to the occurrence of positive feedback …show more content…
Watzlawik (2014) suggests that, in contrary to popular belief, young people express themselves through graffiti by telling a story and communicating with others through their artworks. The acceptance of the graffiti culture is essential in order for the mural to have a positive effect on the community. Community engagement and participation will be encouraged; this can be in the form of the neighbourhood watch and scheduled activities that are supervised by community leaders, and legitimate and more experienced artists at the mural site (Transport and Urban Planning, 2014). Another objective will be to propose a CPTED renovation for the North Caringbah Highschool to the local council, so that the activities are performed in a safe environment, similar to Mary …show more content…
Legitimate murals can encourage artists to use their talents for a more lawful and social suitable activity. Halsey and Young (2002) suggest “councils [can] run workshops to improve the techniques of those interested in legal graffiti” (p. 179). Halsey and Young (2002) provide the example of Parramatta and Warringah Councils, which provide “classes… taught by former writers of illegal graffiti; [which] include [the] History of Graffiti Art, Lettering Design and Layout, Spraycan and Nozzle Techniques and Character Development” (p. 179). Classes such as these can be introduced into the Caringbah