The fight against graffiti and the perpetrators of this crime has been an ongoing problem in Melbourne and surrounding areas. Published in the Herald Sun on the 21st of January in 2014, Leonie Burke’s article, Time to Attack Graffiti discusses this problematic situation. The main contention behind her piece is to assert the fact that better strategies in managing the problem need to be implemented. She does this by discussing how previous strategies were not effective and then considers some which have been proven to be successful. Burke ends her piece in saying that the Turnbull government should take responsibility for the situation.…
Society saw the genre, formally known as hip-hop, as being negative until a variety of races came together in New York to listen to this particular type of music. I believe that hip-hop can be being good or bad, but it is meant to tell a story. McBride writes, through hip-hop they were able to come together as a community “ The Bronx became a music magnet for Puerto Ricans, Jamaican, Dominicans, and Black Americans from the surrounding areas.” In New York the teens use what we call graffiti to express themselves. The graffiti shows the art aspect of hip-hop.…
In the second half of the nineteenth century cities in the United States began to see a great increase in urban growth, which gave the political machines an opportunity to flourish and gain control of the city. Due to the change from an agricultural society to urban society, things began to to change as people moved to the city for industrial employment. The rapid disorganized growth caused an increase in immigration, poverty, crime, and disease. This gave the machine bosses an opportunity to gain power as a promise of democracy. It was a "You scratch my back, I scratch yours" proposition.…
An anthropologist professor herself, Doreen Lee, in her research paper, “Anybody Can Do It: Aesthetic Empowerment, Urban Citizenship, and the Naturalization of Indonesian Graffiti and Street Art”, exposes the supremacy of street art and graffiti to the political movement in Indonesia. Lee’s purpose is to depict the recent spread and creation of the street art through media during the post-New Order Indonesia. She has established a very professional tone in order to appeal and provoke the thoughts of her arguments with her fellow scholars in the same field, particularly. Lee begins building her credibility with personal anecdotes and reputable sources, citing convincing facts and statistics; however, her lack of emotional appeal on most part of her essay inevitably weakens her credibility and ultimately, her argument. Lee begins her paper by first laying out the background information about the involvement of youth in the street art movement.…
Art has always been a medium to evoke emotion and convey a message to its audience. Music harnesses the power to polarize people, rallying them behind an artist, a genre, or even an important cause. Similarly with rock ‘n’ roll and the Vietnam War, hip-hop became a vessel of social realism of the oppressive conditions going on in urban black communities of American society. One group crucial to the evolution of the genre of hip-hop was Public Enemy which spoke with strong conviction to spread awareness rather than to just spread their marketability. They maintained an imposing and charged style which was received differently across the range of audiences.…
But as time went on, it has also perpetuated and contributed to the reestablishment of certain social issues in black spaces. With sexism and homophobia being perpetuated along with violence, it still raises the question of whether black spaces have improved or worsened as a result of hip-hop. Hip-hop has always been a form of resistance from ‘normative’ American culture, but it backfires when that same normative culture uses the implications of hip-hop to justify wrongdoing. American culture sees hip-hop as something that afflicts the black community with violence and causes occurrences such as “black on black” crime. That is exactly what happened with “Don’t Shoot”: its message was overshadowed by the existence of “blacks killing each other all the time” and the rappers who promote such violence in their music.…
Have you ever wondered why incivility in public places seems to be spreading rapidly like fire? Well, you want know for sure, unless you do some research paper or had a friend, who has experienced it before. Incivility has many factors that triggers them they are: behaviors, lack of respect, unsociable, impiety, abduct, etc. When I hear incivility in public places, I think of what I have heard and seen on ABC 33/40 news every morning. Incivility in public places should be controlled, in order to keep our society at ease, because kids can’t go outside without being kidnap or shot, and the rest of us can’t step a foot outside our door without others calling us names, getting into our personal bubble, or getting hurt in a car accident,…
With much surprise, the ghetto in Stockbridge consists of few graffiti art. Much of these individuals have learned to respect what they have. Along with that, this is a place of low crime. This is a small place where everyone knows most people, so crime doesn’t occur much. As you can see, this is a new ghetto, different from a normal one that we typically…
Under social conditions in which sustained frontal attacks on powerful groups are strategically unwise or successfully contained, oppressed people use language, dance, and music to mock those in power, express rage, and produce fantasies of subversion”. This relates to the lower class areas and how people weren’t happy with their living conditions in comparison to other surrounding areas. With racism still being a daily occurrence at this time, the lower class were unable to make change and this led to them turning to art-forms to express their emotion, anger and struggle and this is when rap music gained its momentum, with it being first popular in the urban areas where the listeners could relate to the hardships of…
Hip-Hop graffiti art is important and influential to Refinement Fashion Clothes Market A lot of people know the words “Fashion” and “Hip-Hop”, but seldom people truly understand where are they coming form, what are they, and what are they symbol. First, they are two different things; two groups of people have their own ideas and theories. Fashion just a collectively called or a form called.…
American Graffiti is set in 1962 in small town U.S.A and is filmed almost exclusively at night. It is aurally accompanied by a late 1950s and early 1960s rock ‘n’ roll sound montage and also the bizarre verbal ramblings of radio Disc Jockey Wolfman Jack. The text follows the fragmented quests[3] of four male youths at the tail end of this 1950s style youth culture before the advent of America’s full involvement in the Vietnam War, the rise of new left radicalism and spread of the Hippie movement. The small town, or “neon wasteland,”[4] could be an impressionistic remake of Lucas’s own home town of Modesto. Although, as James M. Curtis notes, we do not know for certain where the narrative actually takes place only when and the setting is a sort…
Most people that run our cities don’t like graffiti because it is like a tourist attraction but it doesn’t make them any money. They only think about themselves. So when people dislike and criticize my art I just keep on making more and more, like I did in New York, where I made a new piece every day for a month. The people who run our cities might be making the world a better place but I am trying to make it a better looking place.…
This essay will critically assess a methodological approach undertaken by a William F. Whyte from his book “ Street Corner Society”. According to Mac an Ghaill (1994), a participant observer collects their data by participating in daily lives of people they intend studying. ‘This approach is close to everyday interaction, involving conversations to discover participants’ interpretations of situations they are involved in’ (Becker 1958, p. 652). The point of participant observation is to construct a detailed description of social interaction in a natural environment. And at the same time the informants are expectant to use their own language and their everyday concepts to portray exactly what is going on in their surroundings and lives.…
To start with, graffiti makes our surroundings more beautiful and aesthetic; hence, it is art because this is the function of art. In spite of the fact that graffiti artists do not use canvas or painting brush, they use a wide variety of colors in order to make our world more aesthetic. Stowers (1997) mentions that graffiti is not only communicating with others, but also it makes our community more than beautiful. To illustrate, graffiti artists paint on obsolete buildings and abandonment walls with colorful spray (App.3). Thus, the only discrepancy from other types of art is that graffiti artists do not exhibit their pictures in galleries or museums.…
Graffiti was once labeled as street art which was frequently a prominent problem in urban cities; defacing or “tagging” public and private property was against the law. As time as evolved, so has the street art culture. Today, street art is one of most sought after and creative outlets for local artists. The culture around street art can be interesting in the fact that artists build their names and reputation with one piece of work at a time; sometimes when it starts to take over the city it gets the attention it has been wanting. Street art is now very innovative featuring many different art styles and often makes a commentary on a social issue and if it does not, then it was created to help change the city.…