While this amendment may cause a great change in the United States system of government, it will be worth it. Firstly, this amendment will expand the freedom of your constituents. With the removal of the party system, Americans are more free to vote according to their own ideas. The current party system obligates voters to always vote with their party. Without having political parties, there will no longer be traditionally …show more content…
In the current system, the American public only actually gets two platforms that they can vote for, Republican and Democrat. It is obvious that throughout the United States there are many people who do not believe in a party's entire platform. There are also many third party issues that are never focused on at a national level, and that the American public never even get the chance to vote for. Since you are a democrat, many of your constituents would support this amendment. One of the key democratic ideas is the freedom of speech and of expression. With the current party system, the Democrats and Republicans are the only ones who actually get their platforms heard nationally.
While at first some may not support this amendment. Removing political parties would be a major change in the current system, and sometimes change can be frightening. Yet, when one looks at the history of the United States, sometimes the biggest changes are the best things that have happened to this country. Initially, party leaders and diehard Republicans and Democrats may not support this bill. With education though, they will see that this bill expands their freedoms and they will still be able to hold and vote for their same …show more content…
There will be new issues in the country and these issues will not have a Republican and Democratic position, which will help to expand from our current system. The new system will also allow for the expansion of third party ideas. A second effect of a partyless system is the effect on the electoral college. Currently, many of your constituents are unhappy with the electoral college because of its unreliability. Also, as Ohioans, every year we are bombarded by campaign ads. In a system with no parties there will no longer be traditionally red and blue states and districts that candidates can easily ignore and passover. Candidates will have to judge where they will campaign and what they will campaign on based entirely on the issues of that