Roles Of Political Parties In The 1800's

Superior Essays
Political parties are such a key aspect to the society than the average United States citizen may think. They play an active role in our society and have been since the early days of America in the 1800’s. Looking back into history, it reveals the true functions of the political parties that play a factor into how the people of early America were impacted by them. The American government system would be nowhere if it were not due to the building of the political party groups. Many people know the political parties as two or more groups trying to fight each other for election, which is true, but they also check on the other party, influence the public, as well as inform the public about the other and any wrong doings that they commit. …show more content…
However, the election of 1824 was a special case when you look at how nobody had won the majority of all the electoral or popular votes. Andrew Jackson had won the plurality of the votes, which means he did have the most votes between everyone, but he did not have a majority which is over fifty percent of the voters. The election then had to be moved to the House of Representatives where they had to vote on who they wanted in office between the candidates. Andrew Jackson was a man of the people, which is why he had won the plurality of popular votes, but he was not a favorite candidate in the House of Representatives or Congress as a whole. The American people saw him as a hero when he had fought in the War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans, but Congress saw him in a different light. They did not see him as a hero or the man of the people that everyone claims he is, but they see him as a monster and blood thirsty killer. He had constantly tried to get into wars and that was not president material in the eyes of the people of the House of Representatives. Thus, they voted John Quincy Adams into office which angered Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson proclaimed that it …show more content…
Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois was the man who decided to put this act into effect. At the time, the Missouri Compromise was in effect that stated that no slave territories be added into the Union above the 36o30’ line, which Kansas and Nebraska both were above, but anything below that line may be added in as a slave stateZ. Senator Stephen Douglas, a Democrat, stated in the act that the people of the territory were allowed to vote on the subject of slavery in their territory. Douglas, who was a pro slavery senator as most Democrats were, was all in favor of this act that completely disregards the terms and conditions of the Missouri Compromise. On the other hand, many of the Northern abolitionists at the time disagreed completely with the idea because of the fact it would allow slavery into territories it should not. This is a strong instance in which the country was divided into north and south based on the argument of slavery in new territories. It also sees the nation splitting its views on what political parties they should go with. The North was abolitionists who wished to go against slavery supported the side of the Republicans because of the ideology of how slavery should not be in any of the new territories. The South, on the contrary, wished the spread of

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