Gospel And Luke Relationship

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The Gospels of Luke are part of the synoptic gospels that portray the relationship in the gospels of Matthew and Mark, whose content is found to display many similarities in comparison to Luke. Matthew and Luke share a large amount of material that is not found in Mark, while Luke also has a many stories not found in either. Luke is credited with the Acts of the Apostle also. History is unclear whether it is the same Luke that has written both the Acts and the Gospels or even if it was a Luke. As with the Bible, there are some things that we may or may not know for certain but this does not alter the message of the Good News as credited by Luke.
The Gospel of Luke is the only gospel recorded in chronological order and he is credited with
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He is the Man who, because He never sinned, truly does have dominion over heaven and earth (Genesis 1:26-28). The animals and the fish obey God, all of nature including the wind and the sea. Jesus makes sick people better and no matter what situation Luke portrays, Jesus is a leader, with the ill, with the dying, and with the nature such as the fig trees. Jesus is the leader on earth and yet He serves us all so much. Luke attempts to help us learn how to lead in our lives through the examples of Jesus and His teaching ministries. Here, Jesus tries to give everyone the skills that they need to live according to His will. For example, if you are hungry He gives you food to eat, as portrayed in the example of the Loaves and Fishes. Those followers had been with Jesus for days and He knew they would be hungry even before anyone asked Him for food (Luke 9:11-17). Jesus would bring the dead to life, as shown with the daughter of one of the priest in the synagogues. We don’t know if it was a priest that was a believer in Jesus or just desperate when his twelve year old daughter died suddenly. But the news got to Jesus after her death so everyone said it was too late for Jesus to come. But, while He was walking, a bleeding woman touched His garment and Jesus was filled with “power going out from Him” and He said “Daughter be of good cheer, your faith has saved you” (Luke 8:40-56). As He continued towards the house of the priest He told the people that she was not dead, only sleeping. He went to her bed and said “Little girl arise” so simply stated. Then, as a leader taking care of His people Jesus instructed them to get her something to eat. The people hearing this must have been amazed not only at the miracle of the raising of the dead girl but, also Jesus’s concern for her comfort and that He wanted to give her something to

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