Google analytics tour gives a brief overview of Google analytics, its features, different analytical solutions available and their client’s success stories.
About Google Analytics, as mentioned in Google analytics success stories “Google Analytics is the enterprise-class analytics solution that gives companies rich insights into their digital audiences and marketing effectiveness. With features that are powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use, companies large and small …show more content…
• Data Activation- helps in making smarter decisions as it allows businesses to seamlessly activate their data to improve marketing campaigns and experiment with new channels and content.
Google Analytics provides analytics solutions for small and large businesses. Analytics premium and Adometry by Google are marketing solutions for large businesses, which are paid analytics services. Small businesses usually use free Google analytics solutions and Google tag manager to gain the actionable insight from the data. Analytics for mobile apps is also available to measure the performance of the mobile apps.
Google Analytics collects a lot of information from each session and provides different metrics, each telling a story about the website and its visitors. Small companies can monitor and use a lot of these metrics to increase their target sales in a specific region. Some of these metrics and reports are discussed below.
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The conversion rate is the most fundamental metrics for any company if the company is selling a product online and if its conversion rate is low, it might indicate some website related issues which need to be fixed to attract or encourage the customer to buy the products.
Companies can compare their data with aggregated industry data from other companies with benchmarking reports. This could help companies to get a valuable context, gain insight into trends occurring across their industry, and find out how they are doing compared to their competition.
Small companies can also apply e-commerce tracking code on their website or app to collect transaction data like product sales, purchase amounts, and billing locations, and connect it to their Google Analytics account. The e-commerce tracking and reporting helps in better understanding the value of a company’s digital business. The small companies can also utilize e-commerce reports to segment and analyze their data, and discover relationships between their marketing campaigns, user engagement, and