“Bottled Insanity” by Michael I. Niman is a very well written opinion regarding the usage of palstic water bottles. This text spefcifically uses the water bottle manufacturer, FIJI, as the main target in this argmuent. His main claim is that production of palstic water bottles hurt the enviroment. He tries to bring awareness to the hidden reprecussions of producing plastic water bottles for consumption. Although it seems like a good idea, Niman points out the faults in this sytem of manufacturing and attempts to persuades the reader to not give in to the consumption of these plastic products that kill ruin this planet.…
That starts with making a personal commitment to not buy or drink bottled water unless the water in your community is truly unhealthy. Yes, it takes a bit of foresight to grab a reusable bottle on the way out, but I think we can handle it”(64). This is one suggestion that can be applied in real life, even though it will be a big sacrifice for some people who are used to buying bottled of water and don’t like tap water. But the sacrifice will give a positive outcome in our environment, and there will also be less pollution by using reusable…
Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water by Peter Gleick. Dr. Peter Gleick is the Co-founder of the Pacific Institute where their aim is to find real-world solutions to problems like water shortages, habitat destruction, global warming, and environmental injustice. He earned his Ph.D. in Energy and Resources from the University of California. He is a receiver of the prestigious MacArthur “genius” Fellowship. Has authored numerous scientific papers and nine books.…
Isabel Johnson’s article “Bottled Water, Go Away” brings up a different perspective to an ongoing debate over the impacts of plastic water bottles on the world. She presents both the pros and cons of bottled water. Her reasons, however, do not provide a strong argument since she does not clearly support a single claim. Nonetheless, the reasoning behind her logic is supported using information obtained from research. Her credibility is built, but at the same time lost, from using these resources because they are not suitable to cite.…
First of all, Barlow outlined that plastic bottles that water is contained in are in fact made of petroleum and natural gas. These use of the petrochemicals directly increases the economy for the fossil fuel industry. Similarly, Barlow also outlined that the actual production of the water bottles involves energy, which is in the form of fossil fuels. Therefore, the bottled water industry is directly linked to the fossil fuel industry in a sense that both the bottle itself is made from fossil fuels, and the process in which the bottle is made also requires fossil…
Something that may seem extremely convenient can be very harmful to the Earth. In 'The Curse of Water Bottles', the author states that a water bottle uses a quarter of its volume in the production of that one water bottle.…
I am writing in regards to a request that I analyze rhetoric used in Isabel Johnson’s article “Bottled water, go away” and whether this article should be published in the student newspaper, The Shorthorn. This article is an interesting read, especially for students that consume a lot of bottled water, and strongly discusses both sides of the argument very well throughout. It’s easy to agree that bottled water is convenient in most cases, but at the same time it can be harmful to the environment when people don’t dispose of the empty bottles in the preferred manner, which is recycling. The author uses appeals to emotion when talking about how important bottled water can be in times of natural disaster and drastic need, but also appeals to logic…
As you have realized, information changes at different rates, but we cannot forget that the climate is changing as well. The documentary, “Tapped”, presents a study where results indicate that the manufacturing of water bottles is partially responsible for the climate change we are experiencing today. Once the bottles are manufactured they are distributed and in doing so, burning fossil fuels are emitted into the air, increasing atmospheric temperature. Consequently, the contaminated air, ground water and soil have increased the chances of prenatal diseases and the trigger of many sicknesses. This portion of the film helps us to imagine how bottle water production has an impact on the climate and politics through the industrial system.…
It requires three times the amount of water to produce a plastic bottle than to fill it, according to Hana Elisbury who wrote the article “10 Startling Facts About Bottled Water”. There are two ways to create plastic bottles; extrusion and injection. Billions of plastic bottles are used everyday, yet we rarely put much thought into how they are made. The process of making plastic bottles can be divided into three major steps. Assembling the material is the initial necessary step to creating plastic bottles.…
If someone drank a bottle of water and threw it away or if they littered and just threw it on the ground then that is not good for the environment. Also, nobody really takes the time to recycle the bottles, so…
On average, thirsty customers in the U.S. throw away sixty million water bottles a day, and for every five water bottles consumed, one is recycled. The length of time for plastic water bottles to decompose is between four hundred and one thousand years. People may choose to drink bottled water over tap water with the misconception that it is the cleaner, tastier, or even a healthier choice. The rate at which people are consuming bottled water is causing landfills to be filled with approximately seventy-five percent of the plastic water bottles that are made. While bottled water sales increase, the consumption of tap water is the most advantageous choice for health benefits, environment conservation, and affordability as a choice for the consumer.…
In the article entitled “The Story of Bottled Water a Script”, Annie Leonard informs us on how bottled water is causing problems for the world in many ways. First, Leonard discusses how bottled water companies have been trying to seduce people into buying their product by informing people that tap water is bad even though tap water is actually good for you. The writer then goes on to tell us about how the major demand of bottled water has been adding to the world’s problems of pollution. The material that the bottled water is made out of does not decompose, so all that bottled water has to get shipped of to India where it is all dumped, creating large mountains of waste. In addition She points out how people are wasting so much money on something…
Bottle water has had claims that the plastic in the bottles contains “Phthalates” there has also been the rumors on social media that hot bottled water left in your vehicle can cause cancer. Seventeen millions barrels of oil are used to make and deliver bottled water, that equals .22 for every imported bottle of water. Bottle water often doesn’t have the Florine of tap water. Bottle water distributors don’t have to list the source of the water.... Do you really know where that water is coming from?…
For numerous years, soda was a highly popular beverage being sold in the United States, but recently bottled water has seemed to have taken over the top spot. A strategic consulting and market research firm, shows that the American consumption of water has increased by more than 68 million 8oz servings in less than a year (water, 2015). Bottled water has always been viewed as healthier than tap water. The question stands though; is bottled water somewhat healthier than tap water? Is buying bottled water worth the extra money?…
So about 38 billion plastic bottles are wasted each year. Independent Variable The US is the largest consumer of plastic bottles in the world Hypothesis Plastic bottles are very harmful to the environment. There is way too many being made and not enough being recycled. Literature…