In this report, we are analyzing our team result in Cesim Global Challenge game. And, the idea of this game is that we have to compete with the other teams which are nine teams both in-universe one. In this game, each team faces challenge to produce Mobile phone in three markets or areas which are in Asia, Europe, and the USA. Not only that but also, we face some difficulties because we have to produce with more features and low price to increase our company sales in three markets in all six rounds. So, in this game, we follow some strategies to satisfy customers’ wants such as low cost and differentiation strategy. On the other hand, our team is called Star Phone to differentiate ourselves from the other teams.
In this …show more content…
• The second section is about company performance and there are some important indicators that measure company performance during all eight rounds such as EBIT, ROE, Equity Ratio, EPS, Market Share and TSR. We evaluate our result by comparing our outcomes with the other competitors.
• The last section of this report highlight on SWOT analysis for company’s production, R&D, logistics, finance, tax, and marketing).
Finally, we concentrate on what we learned from this amazing game and course by writing some of our opinions and …show more content…
Our vision in star phone company to be the best phone choice in technological world. Provide a better and easy environment in smart phone world that meet customer needs.
Our mission in star phone company to be unique phones with values and creative designs and having the best services than the competitive companies to join the global markets.
Long term:
Long term is usually take more them five years to accomplish and require a disciplined saving and investment strategy over a long time period, our financial objective is get a lot of money and pay put loans and get a lot of profit and increased it. but our strategy objective is to make our product in low cost provider strategy with demand and logistics and marketing R&D so customer will buy a lot from us.
Short Term:
For our star phone business, we used short term financial objective and it was in round 1 we get 509789 USD. We set our goals for the business such as what are the product we want to sell and how and who many of profit we want and our objective is that our product should be the most demanded and need for