Priority 1. Impaired gas exchange r/t altered blood flow to alveoli secondary to pulmonary embolus -Patient’s c/c -Patient has difficulty answering questions because of dyspnea and pain. -Patient is pale which demonstrates lack of oxygenation. - She is restless, agitated, slightly disoriented; decrease LOC.…
The patient has seasonal allergies and she reports that she smoked in her 20’s. She had a change in her job and now works as an assistant at an Artisan Bread Bakery. She had to take this job to help with finances. She could be behind on bills. She possibly took a pay cut.…
This case involves three parties Romanelli Inc. as principal, Schor accountant and financial adviser as agent and Citibank as a third party. It must be decided whom is liability for actions made by Schor. This case addresses the following legal issues; Authority, Authority branch of agency law, Criminal Law, Third Party Liability, and Vicariously Tort Liability. Relevant social issues involved. Standards must be in place to aid society.…
-Henry DeBardeleben was named the general manager of Pratt Coal and Coke Company. When Pratt sold the Pratt Coal and Coke Company to Enoch Ensley, DeBardeleben founded his own company called DeBardeleben Coal and Iron Company. He also owned over 4,000 acres in southwest of Birmingham He later sold this land for over $13 million to the TCI railroad company. -In 1871, James Sloss persuaded L&N Railroad to expand their lines to Birmingham. The Railroad impacted Birmingham and coined the name "Magic City".…
On February 27, 2017 officer Samuel Rosario and his partner responded to a domestic disturbance. A mother of two had called the police on her young daughter who had broken her glass table and assaulting her. As Rosario arrives to the scene, he walks to the front of the porch to confront the mother to get a statement of what had happened, next to her was a 19-year-old teen cleaning the shattered glass whom was the girl’s brother. Rosario questions the mother and tells her that her daughter will possibly face criminal damages. In the article it noted that the teen replied, “Criminal Damage?…
(2008, September 17). Retrieved October 03, 2017, from Fremgen, B.F. (2016). Medical law and ethics (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Heart Failure - Symptoms. (2017).…
Describe other clinical manifestations the nurse would monitor for in this patient. Which clinical manifestations would be seen in only left-sided failure? Which symptoms would occur if right-sided failure was present also? The patient should be monitored for increased blood volume; pulmonary edema; cough, due to pulmonary congestion – these are characteristic of left-sided heart failure.…
This case was about Emanuel Balestrero. He was a musician who loved to play the string bass. Balestrero would play in many dance bands on Broadway. With his outstanding work ethic Balestrero was not only a religious man, he was also into horse betting, and maintaining his finances. Emanuel had good credit and in times of struggle he would go to the distance to make sure his family was secure.…
Written Assignment Two 1. In the mid-1990s, social scientist John DiIulio (and others) predicted that a frightening wave of violent “super-predator” youth would terrorize America starting around 2010. Why did DiIulio eventually back away from his prediction? (Hint: see chapter 4 and outside sources if necessary.)…
Some signs and symptoms of CHF are shortness of breath and rapid breathing (Geib, Plappert, Roth & Birner, et al., 2015). Sallie was given discharge orders to allow the Mountain Medical Group to place concentrated oxygen in her home. She chooses not to comply with this order (probably because of financial concerns). Sallie stated,” They tried to tell me that it was not gonna cost anything but that is not usually how it works.” Nursing Intervention and Rationale…
Again the carer was unable to inform us if this was the case. We did ascertain that the patient was not suffering a terminal illness where death was imminent & unavoidable (JRCALC, 2013). My colleagues and I assessed the situation and concluded attempting resuscitation was in order (Institute of Health and Care Development (IHCD), 2003). We moved the patient from the bed to floor and promptly began chest compressions whilst attaching the defibrillator pads and inserting an airway.…
Per Reporter: On 11-7-17, Deontoe's teacher (unknown) contacted the reporter concerning Deontoe. Deontoe has been coming to school for over a week smelling like strong pee. Deontoe has no sock on.…
This is to provide immediate respiratory care if the patient’s airway is compromised (Higginson, Jones & Davies, 2011). This is a low priority. B. BREATHING – Respiration is altered due to left ventricular failure. The patient is tachypnoeic due to an increased pressure in the pulmonary veins that will lead to pulmonary congestion that lessens pulmonary compliance, which raises the respiratory rate.…
An executive named Victor Villalobos received $2 million in kickbacks from Maxim Silinsky, a local subcontractor. In return, Villalobos agreed not to interfere with Silinsky’s business dealings with the federal prime contractors. In addition, Villalobos manipulated tax returns to conceal the kickbacks by creating new accounts. Commissioner Robert Rowland and his board utilized $1,000 to improve passing legislation to raise property taxes. Since it was forbidden to utilize community funds to campaign legislation, Rowland was found guilty and fined $1,000.…
This week in the CCC my patient was on a ventilator and was suffering from respiratory distress post-operatively. The patient was intubated for a coronary artery bypass surgery then my patient was extubated 72 hour after the surgery. The patient went into respiratory distress and was soon reintubated. The patient was very lethargic and compliment all throughout this procedure. Evaluation: The nurses roll…