N401 Nursing Care of the Adult with Complex Health Deviations
Clinical Journal Outline
All sections on the journal must be written in complete sentences with appropriate punctuation.
Goal and Evaluation (this should be the same goal that you wrote on your prep sheet) Goal Day #1 Evaluate the role of a critical care nurse caring for a patient with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
This week in the CCC my patient was on a ventilator and was suffering from respiratory distress post-operatively. The patient was intubated for a coronary artery bypass surgery then my patient was extubated 72 hour after the surgery. The patient went into respiratory distress and was soon reintubated. The patient was very lethargic and compliment all throughout this procedure.
Evaluation: The nurses roll …show more content…
Deep breathing techniques promotes deep inspiration, which increases oxygenation and prevents atelectasis. Controlled breathing methods may also aid slow respirations in patients who are tachypneic. Prolonged expiration prevents air trapping.
2. Place patient with proper body alignment to promote a beneficial breathing pattern.
3. Maintain a clear airway by encouraging patient to mobilize own secretions with successful coughing.
4. Scheduling activities to avoid fatigue and allow for rest periods
Domain (cognitive, psychomotor, OR affective) Cognitive
Rationale- The patient I was taking care of this week was intubated then extubated then re intubated. The patient suffered respiratory distress and was unable to maintain her own airway.
Evaluation- This teaching was successful. While the patient was unable to verbalize this teaching because she was intubated, the patient’s husband was at the bedside the majority of the day and he verbalized understanding using the teach back