George And Lennie Justified

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Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, was published in 1937 and took place in the 1930’s when many different struggles occurred. This was the time that the Great Depression swept through the nation, as well as the Dust Bowl in the midwest. This novel told the story of two migrant workers, George and Lennie, looking for jobs throughout California. From the beginning, due to Lennie’s disability, we learned George’s duty to take care of and protect Lennie after his Aunt Clara died. George’s decision to shoot Lennie was justified at the time in order to protect him, save him from a life of isolation and despair, and to make sure that his last moments were something that he enjoyed.

When George made the decision to shoot his friend, it was for the sake of his future. Lennie committed a major crime; if George hadn’t of killed him his future would of been a lot worse. George and Lennie cared about each other and George did not want Lennie to be tortured by anyone, especially not Curley. Candy had the same thoughts, and he regretted that he did not kill his dog himself. "I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I
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The reason for killing Curley’s wife wasn’t out of hatred of spite but because he didn’t want to upset George. He knew that if he did something bad he could not tend to the rabbits, which were the thing that Lennie clinged onto that represented freedom and joy. George knew how fond he was of those rabbits and he knew that should be his last memory. “George raised the gun and listened to the voices. Lennie begged, ‘Le’s do it now. Le’s get that place now’ ‘Sure, right now. I gotta. We gotta.’ And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head.” Before George shot Lennie he reminded him of the place they were going to get so that he rested in peace and remembered all to most of the good things not the

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