Genetic Disease: Sickle Cell Disease

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Genetic Disease: SCD

Sickle cell disease is caused by the abnormal change in the haemoglobin gene that slows the flow of blood which causes lack of oxygen to the tissues. Yolanda Smith defines haemoglobin as, “an essential cellular component of the red blood cells that play the role of transporting oxygen in the blood to the bodily tissues where it is required”. ("", 2015). There are two types of haemoglobin there is HbA that is found in normal red blood cells and HbS one that shows primary the presence of the disease. Sickle cell is characterized by the changes in the shape of the red blood cell from round to a crescent shape when this happens the cells hardens and becomes sticky which makes it difficult to pass through
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There’s also a sickle cell test taken and the result is either positive or negative; If it’s positive, this means that a person may have sickle cell disease or may be a carrier and if it’s negative, this means that a person’s haemoglobin is normal and he or she is not in contact with it. The only cure is a “bone marrow transplantation” according to National Human Genome Health institute and, “blood transfusion for healthy red blood cells” ("Learning About Sickle Cell Disease", 2014) . Medications are also used to reduce pain. Antibiotics are used to prevent infection both adults and children are given this and also vaccinations for younger kids. Another treatment is Nitric oxide and according to Mayo Clinic,”People with sickle cell anemia have low levels of nitric oxide in their blood. Nitric oxide is a gas that helps keep blood vessels open and reduces the stickiness of red blood cells. Treatment with nitric oxide may prevent sickle cells from clumping together. Studies on nitric oxide have had mixed results so far”. ("Treatments and drugs", 2014) The prognosis has increased New York Times stated,“As recently as 1973, the average lifespan for people with sickle cell disease was only 14 years. Currently, life expectancy for these patients can reach 50 years and over. Women with sickle cell live longer than their male counterparts”. ("The New York Times",

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