Sickle Cell Disease Pros And Cons

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Sickle cell disease is a major health burden in the Indian community. It contributes to millions of deaths worldwide however it is most prevalent in tribal populations in the rural sectors of India. “Sickle cell disease or SCD is an inherited abnormality of the red blood cell characterized by chronic haemolytic anemia with numerous clinical consequences” (Ugwu 87). The shape of hemoglobin, which gives red blood cells their color is turned from an oval to a crescent shape when the sickle cell gene is present. The sickle shaped cells cause blockage of capillaries which leads to many symptoms such as chronic pain, pneumonia, severe anemia, and increased risk for infections (Powars 1). Sickle cell disease studies from the United States and Jamaica confirm that this disease leads to the greatest morbidity and mortality rates between 6 and 12 month olds (Upadhye, et al. 1). New technology is constantly helping reduce …show more content…
A major benefit from this new technology is the reduction in mortality of newborns in India and around the world. In addition, neonatal screenings provide new information to those researching this disease. However, while there are many pros from this technology, there are also many cons present. There is still a great lack of information present in both the United States and India. The lack of resources is also very prevalent in India today which in turn leads to a lower access to treatment and a higher mortality and diagnosis rate. Studies suggest a need for enhanced efforts to support statewide comprehensive systems of care for children affected by sickle cell disease. Although the screenings are constantly discovering new parts of this disease, there are many aspects that make it difficult to be shown as an improvement seeing that mortality is still occurring rapidly from this disease due to a lack of knowledge

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