There are different types of sickle cell disease, People who inherit two sickle cell genes, one from each parent have a type of sickle cell disease called SS, it’s commonly called sickle cell anemia and is usually the most severe form of the disease. People who inherit a sickle cell gene from one parent and a gene for another type of abnormal hemoglobin, from the other parent have a different type of sickle cell disease and some types of sickle cell disease are very severe and the disease affects each person differently. …show more content…
If both parents have this trait, there is a 25 percent chance that their child will have sickle cell anemia. Sometimes people mistaken sickle cell anemia as a primarily african- American disease, because most african-americans have sickle cell anemia, it’s because more people live in areas that’s highly affected by sickle cell anemia but sickle cell anemia affects millions of people throughout the world not just