The justice system was created to to deter crime, sanction crimes that are committed with …show more content…
At the time of arrest women are more likely to be eligible to post bail. However, because most women do not make as much as men and often sole caregivers for their children, women are unable to post the bail. Unlike male offenders most are not eligible for bail and if they are able they are more financially able to post the bail. Women are at risk of loosing custody of their children. With the Adoption and Safe Families Act, which allows termination of parental rights if parent is unable to care for their child longer that 15 months. On average women are incarcerated for 4 years, many permanently loose custody of their …show more content…
Sociologist study the prison community and structure of the inmates society. Life in prison has many hardships. In prison social groups are formed to relieve the discomfort of being incarcerated. Women tend to form bonds with other women, men tend to value individualization. Most male prison population tend to form organizations to govern themselves such as gangs. These populations are difficult to enforce. New members need to adapt to the social norm within the population. Women form pseudo families within the society. Family roles are marked by age and masculinity. Homosexual couples are usually the parents of the family. This group usually contains 15 to 20 women. These pseudo families provide emotional support, companionship and