Nevertheless, it is completely critical that society lets homosexual people adopt children because how would heterosexual people feel if they were denied kids just because they were born the way they are? The first and most common reason people believe gay people shouldn’t adopt is because they get children to easily. A person that has this view is Trade Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith, and he has a very extreme view on gay adoption. As paraphrased from, “Same-Sex Adoption Not 'Best for Kids'”, the Minister fundamentally says that he does not think gay people should not be able to “run off and, through IVF ... or through adoption ... get yourself a child". This was a very foolish claim from the Minister. Maybe he should do some research before he states something so ludicrous. …show more content…
As stated in an article titled, “Pro-Homosexual Researchers Conceal Findings: Children Raised by Openly Homosexual Parents More Likely to Engage in Homosexuality", the author said, “Based on the average found in the following nine studies, 14% of children raised by homosexual parents develop homosexual or bisexual preferences” (Hansen). This article talks about how in only nine studies, they found that children that have homosexual parents are more likely to have more homosexual tendencies but in an article titled, “Outcomes for Children with Lesbian or Gay Parents. A Review of Studies from 1978 to 2000," it explains, “Children raised by lesbian mothers or gay fathers did not systematically differ from other children on any of the outcomes.” (Anderssen). It explains in the article that the children are tested on several subjects that they thought might be affected by being raised by homosexual parents.. They found that all of the children were within the normal ranges, just like children who were brought up by heterosexual parents. Half of the people interviewed in a survey said that “relations between consenting adults should not be legal,” this information comes from an editorial called, “Survey Shows Troubles Homosexuals Encounter,” by, George Gallup. This survey shows that people