The most important primary intervention is self-help. Self-help is the act of providing for or helping …show more content…
Although the SNAP program is very beneficial to those that utilize it, not everyone is able to get it, and you do have to qualify to receive SNAP benefits. Also, the amount of benefits that are received are based on the family’s monthly income and the number of family members (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), 2014). The goal of the SNAP program is to decrease the amount of people who are at risk for food insecurity while increasing the quality of foods that are eaten. A study that was published in the American Journal of Public Health showed that people who were enrolled in the SNAP program had more food security, and also had a lower BMI and lower probability of obesity than those who suffered from food insecurity and were not enrolled in the SNAP program (Nguyen et al, …show more content…
There are several different tertiary interventions that have been very successful in treating obesity. There are surgical interventions, such as gastric bypass surgery, and there are also community events, such as the Diabetes Expo that is hosted by the American Diabetes Association. Gastric bypass surgery is a highly-effective, long-term weight loss solution. Individuals who have gastric bypass surgery are expected to lose 25 to 35% of their total body weight within 10-14 months following the surgery. The significant reduction in weight not only increases their self-esteem, but also decreases their morbidity and mortality risk. A study that was published in the journal Plos One showed that gastric bypass surgery helped to decrease individuals’ LDL, increase their HDL, decrease their hemoglobin A1C, and increases their overall energy expenditure (Werling, et al., 2015). The Diabetes Expo is an exhibit that is open to the public and has free health screenings, cooking demonstrations, information, resources, and presentations detailing diabetes management and prevention given by experts (American Diabetes Association,