This improves access to high-quality and cost-effective care as presented by the IOM and the Afordable Care Act (ACA). The Tennessee Action Coalition (n.d.) states that there is over 40 years of evidence to support the high-quality and cost-effective care that nurse practitioners (NPs) provide. NPs are a vital component of the primary care workforce with 89% being prepared for primary care and 75% actively working in the primary care setting (AANP, n.d.; Tennessee Action Coalition, …show more content…
• Nurse Practitioners may work in independent practice.
• Nurse Practitioners work collaboratively with other health care professionals when appropriate. (Arizona State Board of Nursing, 2009, para. 1)
This is only to name a few. The rationale that the state provides is that an NP is a licensed professional nurse (RN) with a masters in science degree, who is certified by the board, and has an expanded scope of practice within a specialty area (such as adult, family, pediatric, acute care, et cetera).
The IOM (2010) has presented a thorough report to implement change in these restrictions and barriers against NPs. The IOM also states that nurses must be allowed to practice in unity with their professional training with training to provide patient-centered, unbiased, safe, high-quality health care services (IOM, 2010). The laws and regulations are constantly changing and one must remain up-to-date via the Board of Nursing (BON) website. One must be hopeful that changes are in the favor of the NP with the assistance of the IOM