Ways I think and act have changed drastically since my arrival on campus and the meeting of new people. I was from a small town Iowa kid graduating with 84 kids, no diversity in the school or community. Making Grand View seem like a polar opposite of my hometown, and that right there has changed me in so many different ways. I am no longer a simple minded. I have opened up to things that I never thought I would. Poetry slam is something that my girlfriend dragged me along to it and who would of thought that I would of enjoyed it. Ear piercing is something that I have opened up to and now both my ears are pierced and I do not regret one bit at all. Both of these are things back in high school I would have been laughed at for being associated with. My freshman year here made me realize people hold you back and wont let you go find yourself or be yourself when you are in high school. Being here now I do not care what people think about me. People will still make fun of me for what I do but it does not bother me anymore. Being comfortable with whom yourself is the first step of finding who you are your …show more content…
Growth over the past year on myself has be life changing. Maturing into adult that can live on his own I did not think it would happen so fast. Back to my girlfriend she is the one that got me on this path to becoming a mature adult. She pointed out a lot of my bad qualities and places that I needed to grow I just took those bad qualities and ran with it to try and change my self. I can see the growth I am making everyday with the things that I am trying to get better. I still have a lot of growing to do as a person and I will not stop till I a satisfied. I have room to grow in being more mature, and being less selfish. Dong these things will help me find myself and turn into a person I want to be. How would I like to develop? Into someone that is mature and selfless. Being more mature is on the top of my list because I get reminded to often about how immature I still am. Every now and then I will take a step back and realize I need to grow up and that is what drives me everyday. Maturity will bring great joy to my life knowing that I accomplished something that adds value to myself. Through out college I will continue to grow and as student and as a person with every decision I make shaping me into the person I will