American is a mixed state, classified as a result of ethnic reasons, of their skin color, immigration, and wealth gap. This is a real problem, which cannot be avoided. Even the liberation movement in the sixties and seventies had arisen in the last century; no idea has ever been substantive solution. Confrontation continued, war continues, halt the only survival rights. In the movie "Freedom Writers", the students at Wilson High School in Long beach, California, live in such a violent atmosphere. They don't even know the origin of this violence, just a succession, inheritance the reality of racial hierarchy problem that send out violence.
The children treat the rest of the race as the imaginary enemy, but do not know the meaning of genocide. This only shows that they did not really become incurable, and there is no complete loss of their human nature. And this understanding also is the direct cause of the teacher Erin Gruwell to find a breakthrough to solve the problem. Therefore the history of the worst genocide became part of what Erin taught within the teaching scope. The life of the Jews during WWII deeply touched the group of children. In their little hearts, the kind of atrocities is terrible. It is inhuman, and it is a sin. But for the children this is only a reflection. When they face World War II, the death of young life in …show more content…
Although it is only a hope, although she lost her life inevitably, this hope is retained. As a consequence, it provides a destination to the group of children that is to face up to their own real idea and don't be afraid of hard environment, don't destroy themselves because of the hostile life. From despair to hope, Irene uses the cruel history as worthy reflections of curriculum for the children, who also use their own hands not only record that kind of pain in the past and sufferings of the disaster, but also record their