Living in the society we live in, people are categorized and judged due to their appearance, race, and gender. Everybody is held to a status quo, some stereotype used to hold us to a lower or higher standard. In some case it can ruin people’s life’s, their opportunity or purpose. Currently going on is our Presidential run for 2017. Some of the top candidates include, Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina. Two of the people just mentioned are women. There is much controversy on whether or not Women would be able to lead a country. There is always talk on how a woman isn’t strong enough or cutthroat enough to run this country, how women are meant to stay home and look after the house and tend to kids. Why can’t they be held to the same standards or an equal standard to a man? Is it the mistakes of previous women that made a permanent pathway for women, a pathway where they can’t go forward but backward? Questions after questions but, the main question would be what would Malcolm X say? Would he agree with their being a female president?
They Say
People say women should be a President, that they should be given the chance to but, the majority disagrees, especially the writer of the following quote from,, “We shouldn’t have female governors, senators, congressmen, or let women hold ANY political office—-let alone be our President. Here’s why. Whether you see it or not, like it or not, lie about it or not, understand it …show more content…
The most general thought is that he would’ve been a feminist. It is due to the fact, that he died early that his thoughts are premature and not well developed. If he would’ve lived longer he would’ve most likely supported woman rights.