There are many more qualities of a self directed learner, but two areas in which I excel are a high degree of curiosity and a deep desire to change. To the former, I have always asked 'why ' even when it came across as stupid to do so. I want to understand how the world works, how people work, what changes them, fascinates them, what brings them closer to joy and further from fear. Any time I feel like I 'm getting close to the bottom a whole new well of questions emerges and that excites me. As for the latter, I 've always had a desire to change, to grow, through educational experiences. I 've always felt at east and interested in the classroom with my peers and with my teachers. Some areas I need to give some attention to in order to become a more self-directed learner are cultivating networks, setting an appropriate pace, and accepting responsibility for learning well (Cobb, 2013). As a more natural introvert I 've found it to be a challenge to cultivate networks around learning, but it is essential not only for continued motivation, but also for opportunities both professionally and academically. Collisions with people create opportunities, it 's just that simple. Staying at home alone and learning is good for a time, but it needs to be supplemented by shared social experiences. Setting an appropriate pace has also been a challenge because my desire to learn and my curiosity is so high. I often get way ahead of myself thinking I can accomplish more than …show more content…
Setting small goals and leaving time to reflect is important for me to remember because it 's easy to get inspired but also east to get overwhelmed by larger goals. Those goals can 't be accomplished overnight, so it 's good to set smaller ones that can be in order to help stay motivated with small successes or get immediate feedback from small failures. Reflection is an important part of the process because it 's the only time when a learner can self-assess and make a plan for how to move forward. And if I don 't reflect often, I could see myself continuing to try and make an old plan work which hasn 't adjusted for the nuances of my personal experiences.
I will evaluate myself on my success by my ability to teach or talk about, with specificity and enthusiasm, what I have learned, and by what I have created. I think Bloom 's taxonomy from last week 's reading is a good guideline for assessing where one is at on their personal growth plan. I 'll hold myself accountable by constantly reminding myself that it is me and only me who is responsible for my educational journey. I will pat myself on the back when I have done well, and I will stay in and reflect upon my failures until I see them as challenges to be