They accept it because, well its their first job, it’s the first time they are making money for themselves. In addition, the treatment of these workers is very similar to how the manufacturing companies are run. Long hours, opening the restaurant at 6 in the morning, working 8 hours, or closing at midnight after 8 hours of work on their feet. As a past employee for Taco Bell, the treatment I was given, along with my coworkers, was as if we were working pack mules and we didn’t stop until we physically couldn’t stand or think. Even then we got 20 minute breaks every 4 hours. Working 8 hours in the day and only getting a total of 40 minutes to breathe, eat, and regain strength for the rest of the shift is extremely hard. In conclusion, the overall effect of fast-food industries is deeper of just how unhealthy it is, its unhealthy physically and mentally for the employees working there. With the tiresome work hours and targeting of young teens who don’t know any better, the negative effects trumps the
They accept it because, well its their first job, it’s the first time they are making money for themselves. In addition, the treatment of these workers is very similar to how the manufacturing companies are run. Long hours, opening the restaurant at 6 in the morning, working 8 hours, or closing at midnight after 8 hours of work on their feet. As a past employee for Taco Bell, the treatment I was given, along with my coworkers, was as if we were working pack mules and we didn’t stop until we physically couldn’t stand or think. Even then we got 20 minute breaks every 4 hours. Working 8 hours in the day and only getting a total of 40 minutes to breathe, eat, and regain strength for the rest of the shift is extremely hard. In conclusion, the overall effect of fast-food industries is deeper of just how unhealthy it is, its unhealthy physically and mentally for the employees working there. With the tiresome work hours and targeting of young teens who don’t know any better, the negative effects trumps the