Chew On This, by Eric Schlosser, endeavors into the world of fast food, specifically describing McDonald 's throughout the book. Schlosser not only focuses on the harmful effects of the food, but the actual business itself, and the marketing strategies that caused it to become so successful. He forges further into all of the unintended negative impacts of the industry socially, environmentally, economically, and physically. Schlosser really is trying to inform his readers of fast food and the atrocious side effects associated to it.
Audience Eric Schlosser’s book appeals to one who is interested in learning the dangers of fast food and the world it has created. He spends a significant amount of time explaining the physical consequences …show more content…
Schlosser guides his readers through the various components of fast food by writing pure facts with little to none of his own input on the subject. For example, Richard and Maurice (Mac) McDonald left New Hampshire in the 1930’s, hoping to find jobs in southern California’s movie business” (19). By using mostly objective language in his book, Schlosser allows his readers to sink in and fully believe his message about the fast food industry. He also carefully works in small portions of subjective language. He has interviews with teens who work for fast food companies and farmers who grow and breed the food for the companies. Such as his description of Danielle Brent, a seventeen-year-old McDonald’s worker, “On Saturday mornings the alarm on her cell phone goes off at five-thirty. It’s still dark outside as she stumbles into the bathroom, takes a shower, puts on her makeup, and gets into her McDonald’s uniform” (70). With occasional moments of subjectiveness, readers are able to relate to the teen (or farmer) and fully understand Schlosser’s main points of the …show more content…
He focuses on the farming perspective of the food and hinting at his disgust with the processing and actuality of where it comes from and how it is made. He also uses sarcasm quite a bit throughout the book, “Just these few yummy chemicals: amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, amyl valerate...” (114). The sarcasm humors the reader and makes the readers more interested. He is also showing his viewpoint through sarcasm. The reader can clearly see that he does not appreciate all the chemicals going into the food.
Imagery: During Chew On This, Schlosser incorporates many images of the ugly side effects of fast food. Not only does he focus on the health issues associated with eating it, but also the social and environmental impacts it has. For instance, “The neon lights along the strip, the rush hour traffic, the acres of pavement, the boxy soulless buildings...” (71). By displaying these constant reminders, the author is enhancing the visualization of a destroyed environment. One that is suffering and is desperate for