Comparing The Jungle And Fast Food Nation, By Upton Sinclair

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US is one of the most famous country for Fast Food. There are 160.000 fast-food all over the country. One of the biggest problem in US is the obesity. Fast food are full of unhealthy food. The two texts, from Uptain Siclair “The Jungle” (1906) and Eric Schlosser “Fast Food Nation” (2011) report the abomination that happen in the meatpacking industry in the United States. Upton Sinclair is an American writer of nearly 100 books, in 1906 became famous for his novel “The Jungle” which describe the conditions of meatpacking industry in US. On the other hand Eric Schlosser was a journalist and became famous for his book “Fast Food Nation”. Nevertheless, except the subject, those two text are completely different. Upton Sinclair wrote his novel in …show more content…
In The Jungle Uptain Sinclair describe the sanitary and hygiene poor conditions in the meatpacking process. Uptain was viewed as a fancy author while Eric Schlosser was a journalist and more accurately a muckraking journalist. Uptoin Sinclair describes, in a third person point of view, true facts but falsified the context. In Fast Food Nation Eric Schlosser describes with details his experience during his visit to a meatpacking factory using words and explain facts exaggerate in order to keep everybody’s attention. Another big difference is that Schlosser describes the facts using real names while Sinclair does not. Sinclair tried to catch the reader’s attention building an emotional connection to the characters and their tremendous …show more content…
Sinclair’s book « the jungle » was published in 1906, in that period the audience were rich and educated people. Sinclair had to be careful in how he wrote, he had to use acceptable words and tones in order to retain an audience. On the other hand, Schlosser who published « Fast Food Nation » in 2001 used his own words in order to keep the reader’s attention, emphasizing the facts using words and descriptions to catch the audience’s attention. In addition, in social norms humanity’s health should be treasured by each individual, since is what everyone seeks for being healthy and well. One of our most important goal is to be healthy in our life. We should try to eliminate any type of issues related to a bad nutrition, and the first solution to the problem in both articles should be improving the work environment in the industry, and try to have clean work conditions in order to decrease the amount of disease. The way the workers are treated is also exactly the way Schlosser states. Fast food managers spend more time motivating the members of the workforce than really running the store. They want to make them feel like they are doing something special and exciting. « In absence of good wages and secure employment, the chains inculcate –team spirit- in their young crews » (74) Schlosser explains how if in some way workers relax they are disappointing the coworkers and in the end

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