Factory Farming Persuasive Speech

Improved Essays
Speech Title: The Importance of Factory Farming
Purpose statement: My purpose is to convince my audience that industrial farming in beneficial to the population, and even the animals themselves, compared to free-range.

Most Americans do not realize that 99% of the food they eat from animal products comes from industrial farms. Where would we be without industrial farming? Would the population have enough food?
America is becoming more and more concerned about where their food is coming from. 70% of consumers say their purchase decisions are affected by where their food is grown and raised. Consumers want to know… How chemicals are used in farming/ranching. How pesticides are used in farming/ranching. Effect of government regulations
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Why are animals given antibiotics? The truth is… Antibiotics play a decisive role in farming and the health of the consumers. Antibiotics are used in the prevention of bacterial infections, they kill or suppress growth of bacteria. Antibiotics also increase the increment rate of animals resulting in more and cheaper meat. But you probably still desire to know… How do the antibiotics affect our health? They just don't. The only thing they affect is the bacteria. Just a few food-borne infections you can get from meat untreated with antibiotics are… Salmonella, a few side effects are diarrhea, abdominal spasms, and fever. Campylobacter, Is another serious food-borne illness. It's caused by the intestinal tract in warm blood animals. Campylobacter may become fatal in very young children or elderly patients, or those already suffering from some other serious disease such as AIDS. There are many other bacterial diseases that may affect you if we stopped using antibiotics in …show more content…
800 Million people in this world do not have enough food for a healthy lifestyle! That my friends! Is one out of every 9 people! Third world countries are beginning to not experience hunger. The World Bank is installing industrial farms in their countries. So this means more food, cheaper food, and more jobs in these developing countries. This is just a start but how knows what this might bring in the future!
I personally believe that industrial farming is a solution to a whole multitude of problems such as world hunger (obviously), Climate change, electricity bills, and sooo much more! I am sad I only got to share a few of the amazing benefits of industrial farming, but I think you will all realize that industrial farming many be the solution to just about everything.
If you would like to share your opinion or thoughts on industrial farming, please go on this website… Trust me it is pretty

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