Jonathan Safran Foer Eating Animal Analysis

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Eating animals has been a regular meal for humans for many centuries, but it has also been opposed by veganists for many years. Although consuming animals has been opposed by vegan aficionados, it has also been a source of controversy because of how factory farming produces the meat we eat in our daily meals. In the book “Eating Animals” we get the sense that the author will be arguing and encouraging veganism, but instead he argues about how the meat we consume is produced. The author Jonathan Safran Foer’s main claim in the book is about boycotting animal factory farming and encouraging traditional husbandry because factory farm animals are stuffed with antibiotics, mutilated, tightly confined, and deprived of stimulation. While traditional …show more content…
While others might argue that Foer’s argument’s basis is to encourage veganism, Foer’s argument instead helps keep meat lovers with an open mind and thinking about the risks the meat they consume causes when it is produced in a factory …show more content…
Factory farming has affected our environment because of the massive amounts of animal waste. The massive amounts of animal waste has affected the environment through pollution. For instance, in the book it states, “So much shit, so poorly managed, that it seeps into rivers, lakes, and oceans, killing wildlife and polluting the air, water, and land in ways that are devastating to human health”(Foer 174). Author Jonathan Safran Foer explains in this quote how animal waste from factory farms has led to pollution that affects the environment and humans. He supports his first quote by also stating, “The polluting strength of this shit is 160 times greater than raw municipal sewage waste”(Foer 174). The author then explains the effects of releasing massive amounts of animal waste by stating, “Shit found in factory farmed hogs are ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, cyanide, phosphorus, nitrates, and heavy metals”(Foer 175). In comparison, he also states, “In addition, the waste nurses more than 100 microbial pathogens that can make humans sick, including salmonella, cryptosporidium, streptococci, and giardia”(Foer 175). The author explains in these quotes examples of the gases that are released into our environment and how they are harmful to

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