They do not know what is happening to them and, frankly, they don't care. They are here to exist and be eaten. Any human being that would put the needs of these farm animals before their own are lying to themselves. Farm animals cannot realistically think for themselves or make their own decisions. They are incapable of caring. The liberal environmental activists opposing factory farming clearly do not have a grasp on reality and are just looking for attention. If they actually had the mental capacity to realize this, they would be eating factory produced meat every single day of their lives. But they do not. All they want is attention and to follow the liberal agenda. Factory farming is saving America. With the rapid increase in population, there is no way a human race could sustain life for long. It would be a different story if animals were reproducing at the same rate as humans, but they are not. This may have worked hundreds of years ago, but the world we live in today is not the same one our parents and grandparents grew up in. Requirements for survival have changed drastically over the last few …show more content…
The worlds population is rapidly increasing, especially in the third world countries. The human population is rapidly increasing with absolutely no sign of slowing down This demand for food and other resources required to live has caused the food manufacturing companies to have to keep up with the population, causing changes in the way the food is retrieved from the animals. Instead of mother nature taking care of food for humans and letting these animals grow up naturally and chemically free, food companies are speeding up the growing and maturing process in any way possible to keep up with consumer demand. This does not necessarily mean that what they are doing is bad. They have to make a living and we have to eat. Naturally or not, some one has to meet the demand for food. And these food industries are meeting the need. Despite countless shots taken for animal abuse, these companies continue to keep pumping out food from these factories at an immensely fast