Why waste an animal’s life just to see if your test is right or not. If you do a test try to do it another way. When they test them the animals they will have gashes and cuts on them,they will even put metal rods in the animal’s head. The animals feel pain just like you but you don’t know because they can not say anything all they can do is squirm and yelp in pain,but nobody cares about them they care more about themselves. Why would a scientist test on animals for,if they know their going to end up hurt or dead then why do it.
Why would you want to hurt an animal. If you know that you are going to get caught because the truth always reveals itself, so you can never hide an animal that you hurt or killed. …show more content…
Don’t be a mean person be the one that saves and helps the poor animals. Save the society of animals because they will save us just like you saved them.
We can build a better society over animal cruelty. If you do animal cruelty you should look at what you are doing because it is not right for the animal or yourself. The probably only reason why they did that was because something happened early in their life and they want to take their anger out on an animal because it is an easy target for them,and they think it is better to be mean to an animal. It not better it is about the same and how do you have the guts to kill the animal,it's like trying to kill a