When working in a mechanical workshop there are countless hazards and potential risks lurking around the corner just waiting to happen. Therefore the UK government has set out numerous regulations not only to minimise potential risks and hazards but to also ensure that the issue does not happen in the first place. These regulations are there to save lives and to ensure the 247 protection of workers as well as members of public. Failing to meet these regulations would further lead to severe punishments by the UK government. Some of these regulations are:
1. Workshop area needs to be restricted to authorised personnel only. This regulation means that not just anybody can enter the workshop; only people who have the right training can enter the facility. This regulation prevents and protects the safety of the member of public.
2. No machine may be used or work undertaken unless the technician in charge is satisfied that the person is capable of doing so safely. If equipment is fitted with guards these must be used. Equipment should never be used if the safety guards have been removed. This particular regulation prevents the misuse of machinery by …show more content…
Without the technicians approval that particular worker is not allowed to handle any machinery. They are also support worker through guidance and assistance in the design and construction of a range of mechanical systems. In particular, advise on the most appropriate manufacturing methods and equipment for specific components and suggest alternative designs to simplify manufacture. So in a sense the technician job is extremely important as they assess worker ability to work safely with dangerous