The FCC adopted strong net neutrality rules that stop cable and phone companies from making fast and slow lanes on the internet. The policies of other parts of the world are taking a different view that can hurt consumers and small internet businesses. The European Council, which is made of 28 countries, ruled that phone companies can charge internet services like Netflix and Google a fee to deliver their content faster than small companies that can't pay the fee. With this ruling, it allows big companies to completely control the market and stop small start ups from having a chance at giving their content. It creates a division between large and small companies that can hurt consumers by practically forcing
The FCC adopted strong net neutrality rules that stop cable and phone companies from making fast and slow lanes on the internet. The policies of other parts of the world are taking a different view that can hurt consumers and small internet businesses. The European Council, which is made of 28 countries, ruled that phone companies can charge internet services like Netflix and Google a fee to deliver their content faster than small companies that can't pay the fee. With this ruling, it allows big companies to completely control the market and stop small start ups from having a chance at giving their content. It creates a division between large and small companies that can hurt consumers by practically forcing