Examples Of Situational Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado

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The Irony Of It All

Ironies come in many forms and are vital in helping a reader understand what is happening in the story. To better understand the various ironies I will provide an example used daily for each one. First, verbal irony is when someone says “sooner or later,” but really means preferably now. Next, Dramatic irony can be found when a reader figures out who committed the murder before it is revealed. Then situational irony can be seen when the character we thought committed the crime truly didn’t. In this paper, the reader will get a preview of verbal, dramatic, and situational irony in the story “The Cask of Amontillado.” In verbal irony, words are used to suggest the opposite of what is really meant.” In Cask of Amontillado”, Poe stated “My dear Fortunado, You are luckily met”(237). This statement is an example of verbal irony because Fortunado is not lucky to have met Montresor, but unlucky instead. Montresor is happy to see Fortunado, not for friendly reasons, but only because he is planning on getting his revenge. Montresor was planning on killing Fortunado for the many insults towards him. Montresor goes to great lengths
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An example can be seen in the following quote, “He did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation,”(236). This is where Fortunado thought Montresor was excited to see him and to smile friendly. Even though his smile was about extracting revenge and not the friendly gesture Montresor is taking it as is a prime example of dramatic irony. The reader knows what is in fact about to happen and why he is smiling so broadly. Another example of this form of irony is when Fortunado asks Montresor to show him that he is part of the brotherhood, so Montresor produces a trowel to prove he is one of the masons. What is ironic about this part is that Montresor will eventually use the trowel to kill

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