Three Rioters Seek Death Analysis

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What event prompts the three rioters to seek Death?
The rioters mark to passing of a coffin and asked who died. A servant tells them that the dead man was a friend who was stabbed in the back the night before by a thief called Death. The rioters believe that Death might still be in the next town, so the decide to seek him out and kill him.
In what way is their discovery at the old tree unexpected?
Because they were searching for Death, and the old man said that they would find him under the tree.
Describe the events that directly lead to their deaths.
After going to the tree that the old man told them that Death would be, the three rioters found gold, but decided to wait until night to move it. They soon drew straws to see who would have to
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He shows respect for others/old: The rioters provide a reminder about the moral duty of young people to pay their respects to others/old, by being rude to the old man. And evil equates to stupidity: Even though the old man is giving warnings to the rioters, the rioters stay completely mindless and blind to the danger ahead of them. And because of this, they head towards danger.
A distinct moral or lesson- The love of money leads to death.

Chaucer is widely admired for his skillful use of irony—the discrepancy between what appears to be true and what actually is true. There are three main types of irony. Verbal irony occurs when a character says one thing but means another. Situational irony occurs when a character or reader expects one thing to happen but something else actually happens. Dramatic irony occurs when the reader or audience knows something that a character does not know. For each type of irony, provide an example from “The Pardoner’s Tale.” How essential is irony to the meaning of the story?

Verbal Irony- The verbal irony is when the three rioters swore to protect eachother and destroy Death, but ended up killing eachother.
"Hold up your hands, like me, and we'll all be brothers
In this affair, and each defend the others."
(Lines 94-95)
Situational Irony- The situational irony is when the pardoner is disrespectful and hypothetical while claiming to be a man of

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