(Power point of Mexicans displayed in tv shows)
An example of Latino stereotyping in broadcasts, is the character Consuela, in the Family Guy television show. Consuela is of Hispanic origin, and she speaks a very broken English. Throughout the scenes, the author has targeted Latinos as underprivileged servants. Consuela is the maid of the starring family and has been depicted as uneducated, poor and a maid to a privileged family. Gags throughout the …show more content…
This is a clear example of how Latinos are marginalised as the underpaid servants, with some type of criminal background, in the media. This is caused by the author’s intention to position the reader into thinking that many Latinos have some sort of interaction with the criminal world and that they are unprivileged servants of the more privileged families.
Another example of Hispanic stereotyping by the media would be through the use of Donald Trump’s campaign announcements. Donald Trump kicked off his campaign with a speech in which he labelled immigrants from Mexico as “criminals”. (show quote on power point) This is from Donald’s quote; "When Mexico sends it people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good