Two ways that portray the unequal treatment of minorities through stereotypes is Arabic men are terrorist, and Latinos are thieves. Many taxi drivers have gone through fear of hate crimes, there have been cases where they take in clients (As Taxi drivers) and are stabbed to death because of the people feeling bitter about them. The horrid event of 9/11 and Arabic portrayal in the media influences how many people perceive Arabs, unaware of who they actually are and one group of people’s actions should not determine who the rest of the people are. This is an unequal treatment because some people do not trust Arabs due to the stereotype and it may be harder to find jobs or to be safe when hate crimes are happening. Another stereotype is Latinos being thieves. Many times, when a Latino is in a candy shop or grocery store, they sometimes receive suspicious looks from the employees, making sure they do not steal anything. They are being judged based on their outer appearance, and it is not fair to be watched or seen as a thief, this is not a positive way to view …show more content…
The Jim Crow Laws was a legalized way to separate people based on their skin color. This was a very strict law making the lives of African Americans and other dark skinned people suffer, and facing persecution of the White people and even policemen. For instance, the “Little Rock Nine” in Little Rock, Arkansas is a primary example of how unfair the treatment was, affecting how a Black student experiences going to high school. The very few Black students could not integrate in the school, they faced massive discrimination and mistreatment. In addition, if there was a school for White people near a Black student’s home, the student could not go to the school, they would have to attend a school for Black people, even if it meant walking five more blocks. This was very inconvenient for many people and their education quality was not the same as the White’s school. Although you do not have these legal laws anymore, there are parallels to the present laws. For instance, during the Jim Crow Laws era, students were segregated based on skin color and social class. Now, you see children in public schools having unequal education because of being working class minorities. The families living there cannot afford to pay for better school education, and the society has not helped by giving the poor and corrupt school systems. There are better schools currently, and the experience is different from the Jim Crow Laws segregation, but, the poor children are not getting the most out of the