Essay On Booker T Washington Vs Dubois

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While Booker T Washington and Du Bois agreed in some ways, they also disagreed.They were very important in the fight against segregation. They were important because Du bois supported civil rights through revolution, while Booker T Washington supported it through evolution. They both had different philosophies that had an impact in their own ways. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Booker T had a tough early life. Booker Taliaferro Washington was born on April 5,1856. “He was born a slave, but, after emancipation, moved with his family to Malden.”(Britannica Encyclopedia)He was born in Franklin County Virginia, United States. Which is about a four hour drive from Washington DC. Was born a slave to his mother, Jane Ferguson. Young …show more content…
It tells the story of Dubois and a group of other African Americans. Du bois said that blacks and whites were separated by a “color line”. Du bois has the readers experience what the color line is like. He talks about himself going to Fisk University located in Nashville, Tennessee. He had to go through jim crow.Jim crow was the practice of segregating African Amercians. This book was very important in the 1960’s during the civil rights movement.

Going more in depth into Jim Crow Laws, they were discrimination and coercement laws. They controlled the south for three quarters of a century. The laws affected many aspects of everyday life. Segregating parks, libraries, restrooms, trains, buses, restaurants,and even schools. Signs that displayed “white” and “colored” were constantly enforcing the laws.

WEB Du bois gathered a set of photographs for an exhibit at the 1900 Paris Exposition. It was for the “American Negro” exhibit. He gathered 363 photographs and put them all into albums. At this time, Du bois was still teaching at Atlanta University. He was determined to fight racism. He thought that if he could expose what african american life was like he would be able to get the facts through peoples heads. The photographs of the African American men would be used as “evidence”. Du bois received a lot of praise for his exhibit later on. The judges awarded him with a gold
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They both had different philosophies that were impactful in their own ways. Booker T Washington supported civil rights through evolution. WEB Dubois supported civil rights more through a revolution. Booker T Washington exhorted an attitude of self-help, white and black agreement, and finally compromise. A quote from washington was “character, not circumstances make the man”( Booker T Washington).WEB Du bois said that Booker T Washington’s philosophy would lead to oppression. Booker T Washington told african americans to concentrate on education and financial progress. Du bois felt as if african americans shouldn’t wait. They had political

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