As someone who had to learn a new language, go to school not knowing any English and getting laughed at when I did not know how to pronounce the words was very difficult, there were times where I did not even want to keep learning because of all the obstacles but it was the only option I had to succeed and better myself. The only thing that got me through the difficult times was thinking all my mother did just like every other immigrant, she left her homeland so I could have a better future. I am now in the best place I could be and all because I did not let anyone or anything stop me from going forward. Knowing your priorities and not pay attention to what people say about you will keep you on the right path to the future you have always wanted by accomplishing all your goals. The hard work you put into preparing yourself for the future is sometimes overlooked. it does not matter how well you are doing or did in something, you could have a career and a good life but you are still seen as just an immigrant, it is as if your legal status defines you when in reality it does …show more content…
In June 2015, while announcing his candidacy, our future president Donald J. Trump said “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best, they’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Although he said the criminals are coming from Mexico, it made all immigrants upset because in this case he was not only aiming towards Mexican but to all Hispanics. Not all people who cross the border are criminals, most are just escaping poverty, trying to better themselves and their families. Immigrants are a huge part of the American community but people do not seem to acknowledge it. Former Governor of Michigan, John Engler said “It is important to note that immigrants or their children founded more than 40 percent of U.S. Fortune 500 companies — turning their American dreams into American jobs. That is just one reason why high-skilled immigrants are so critical to