“When Mexicans come until they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,” When Mexicans come to America, they aren’t helping instead they 're causing more problems. Trump is trying to blame all the bad things in America on Mexicans. (–Real presidential announcement speech, June 16, 15). Though trump has not much evidence supporting What he said, studies of the center of immigration have proven that though the high rate of illegal coming in the united states, the rate of crime has decreased. this proves that trump is wrong about Mexicans being criminals "The impact in terms of crime has been tragic. In recent weeks, the headlines have been covered with cases of criminals who crossed our border illegally only to go on to commit horrific crimes against Americans." Marcus is telling me that in recent news illegal immigrants are committing horrible crimes targeting only American citizens (Marcus). Trump accuses Mexicans of criminal activity in the united states but most of the crime committed are caused by the united states own citizens . Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants causing the all the crime in the united states , “If you look at the statistics, of people coming ... I didn 't say about Mexico, I say the illegal immigrants —if you look at the statistics on rape, on crime, on everything, coming in illegally to the country, they 're mind-boggling said trump,” Trump thinks that it is not …show more content…
trump wants to remove this amendment and it is wrong because there would be thousands of people that would not be citizens anymore trump wants to separate the people without citizenship and plans to move them out with a large force Trump building the a great wall to stop illegals from coming in. most people support his idea, but many don 't because it would be very expensive and would be very