Examples Of Hyperbole In Much Ado About Nothing

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How love alters characters in Much ado about nothing.

In Much Ado about nothing, love is explored through the depiction of the different types of relationships. Shakespeare contrasts loyalty and brotherly love to romantic love and instant love, under the umbrella of the Messina community.

The biggest change in attitude as a result of love is Benedick and Beatrice’s change in relationship and ideas about marriage. The play uses comic techniques such as metaphor and hyperbole to exaggerate the There is additionally a change in characters attitude because of deceit, misunderstanding or overhearing of particular parts of a conversation and basing assumptions off that. The exploration of how other people’s perception of one effects their perception
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The idea of ‘eating your own words’ is present here, as the comic element of dramatic irony and hyperbole are used to create tension and problems for Benedick later in the play. He’s slightly bitter in the sense that he does not wish Claudio to pursue Hero as he wishes Claudio to be a bachelor with him, so he will not be alone. He states; “Is 't come to this? In faith, hath not the world one man but he will wear his cap with suspicion? Shall I never see a bachelor of threescore again?” His joking nature is a large part of his character, though he is especially harsh when it comes to the topics of love and …show more content…
However, once he comes around to loving her, his brash humour lessens a bit, and he approaches the idea of lovesickness in a traditional way. He attempts to write poetry, turning to Margaret for help; “Pray thee, sweet Mistress Margaret, deserve well at my hands by helping me to the speech of Beatrice.” Though inevitably realises he is not a conventional lover and that the love between he and Beatrice is unique. The attitude change from his original scorn and disapproval towards the topic of love to his attempt to participate in it is inarguably the biggest transformation of attitude in the play, and this is contrasted so through his hyperbolic and exaggerated statements. His full turn around occurs when he falls truly in love with Beatrice, and he understands that his feelings and belief of love and what it was before were incorrect. He addresses his original statement of dying a bachelor by stating; “When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married.” Which emphasises a full turn around from his original viewpoint. A prime example of his conversion is at Hero’s first wedding, when he chooses to remain with Beatrice rather than follow after Claudio, and later resigns from Don Pedro’s service. This is a particularly prominent transition as originally he thought it more

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