Mary Warren shows this attribute by speaking out the truth about her and the other girls. She was always going along with what the other girls were doing because she was afraid of what Abigail Williams would do to her. In Act 1 of the play the girls get caught by Reverend Parris in the forest with Tituba, the Parris’s servant, participating in witchcraft. The girls freaked out and ran away but the only ones who stayed behind were his daughter, Betty, and niece, Abigail. The next day Betty would not awake and was pretending to be under some sort of spell and was worrying everyone. That same day Abigail made all of the girls swear that they wouldn’t say anything and she lied saying that they were only dancing, but not participating in witchcraft acts whenever she was asked. Reverend Hale, a reverend from Beverly, was questioning all of the girls when suddenly Betty awoke. They all started yelling different peoples names that were from Salem saying that they had seen them with the devil. Mary tries to put a stop to the situation because so many people that were accused were put in jail to hang. The girls were lying the whole time and because of it people actually died. They were so far and deep into the lie that they weren’t willing to fess up. Mary Warren decided that she had to stop the madness and confess the truth to John Proctor and they told the judge, …show more content…
As said before, John and Abigail had a little “heat” between each other. John’s weak moment had cost him his life. He would encourage inappropriate behavior from Abigail. Ann Putnam is another example of weakness. She has lost seven of her babies and wanted to know what happened to them, so she sent her only daughter to the forest to participate in witchcraft. She was so eager to find out what happened to them that it didn’t occur to her that she could potentially lose another child. Ruth, Ann’s daughter, was in a spell and it was stressing her out so badly that she couldn’t even bare the thought of losing another child. Goody Ann had a moment of weakness and almost lost another one of her children because of