Jimena Renteria Dietz
Liberty University
Theology is more than a pile of beliefs to memorize. Theology is the study of God’s being, and it is applicable to each aspect of people’s lives. In this essay I will share how God’s truths can be applicable in my vocation as a future psychologist. While the majority of people think that a science cannot be related to Christianity, Liberty University provide us classes with a biblical-worldview that prove that psychology can be an opportunity to let god uses us.
Explanation of the doctrine
We live in a fallen world, which is one of the reasons why people suffer. Injustices, murders, suicides, and more immoral actions are result …show more content…
I want to be a psychologist because all the knowledge that I am acquiring is helping me to understand and love people genuinely. It is difficult to empathize with other when we are not aware of our own sins. In psychology I could learn that a very single behavior of the human beings has a reason. People behave the way they do for different events that have occurred in their lives in their prenatal stage, childhood, adolescence or later in adulthood. Understanding how sin has lead this world to destruction permitted me to understand circumstances that were cruel for me. When I could understand that we all are sinners, that we all crucified God, and that we all deserve hell, I could understand psychology and how it works. The most profound reason why people face pain is sin. Because of sin (Genesis 3), we face death, pain, and suffering. When I became a Christian, the holy Spirit convicted me of all my sins. Even though now I am a Christian, I am still sinning, and I have to always remember that people who we usually call “thief” or “indifferent” are also sinners like me, like us. I obtained that perspective when I started seeking God’s will and that is how I could learn to love the people more. The incarnation of God made me understand what is my purpose here on earth: love God and love others. God humbled himself and came to earth to serve other. The King of kings, the God almighty, the Messiah came to serve us, to serve sinful people. By understanding the sin in our lives and the incarnation of God, we be more intentional and be capable to genuinely love