1. A worldview is the social system from which we discover reality in order to grasp its significance. This includes any religious opinions, principles, values, or philosophical system which provides a methodology to understanding the world and human beings. A “biblical worldview”, therefore, is a comprehensive perception of the world from a biblical perspective. The Christian commits their heart and mind to the infallible Word of God. Successively, every thought, action, opinion and response emitted will derive from biblical principles such as, ethics, divine intervention, human dignity and the opportunity of redemption.
Word Count: 89
The question of origin.
1. God created natural life as well as the time in which …show more content…
3. Once we begin to realize who we are, the question of purpose and meaning comes into contemplation. William Craig reminds us that man cannot live within an atheistic worldview without some sort of meaning (see papers). For those individuals who have sought and found God, the search is over: He is that purpose. According to the Bible God created man for His glory, Isaiah 43:7. We fulfill our purpose by glorifying God. This includes living a life in honor and obedience to Him, 1Samuel 15:22, Romans 2:6-8.
Word Count: 88
The question of morality.
4. Lest we forget, we are not the supreme masters of our fate. Only God is sovereign. He has created a moral universe in which the law of cause-and-effect is a certainty.
Morality includes a person’s standard of conduct or daily practice. The Bible tells us to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect, Matthew 5:48. On the other hand Romans 3:23 reminds us that man falls short of the glory of God. While only God is holy and separated from all evil, we as humans are created with a conscience which allows us to distinguish right from wrong. Additionally, we are given a set of commandments to guide us through our decisions. Although we cannot ever attain perfection, Jesus reminds us throughout scripture that as we seek to know God our flesh becomes one with His word. John …show more content…
When interacting with others I am reminded to care for them as they would wish to be treated (Luke 6:31), without judgment or preconception. Romans 12, 13, and 14, ask me to live in harmony with others and remain humble in my interactions lest I become a stumbling block to them. When put into practice, these important reminders are pleasing to God and honor His name. Another consideration, I must make as a Christian includes who I elect as a politician during local and national elections. How a particular candidate views their world has a tremendous impact on our economy. Thus, it is my obligation to carefully assess their political agenda and personal statements prior to election time, welder, L., & guitarist, b. (2011). It is important to remember a worldview is comprehensive. Therefore, it touches on every area of my liveliness. Ultimately, I must remain faithful to practice and develop my Biblical worldview in order to mature in my relationship with