All I knew was my father was very excited to share this with me. Its all a blur after that. I wasn't long before I started borrowing Star Wars books and audio tapes for my local library, and my and would buy me the trilogy box sets as they came released and she would buy my the LucasArts Archive collections. Before new it I was know to be a local expert in all things Star War. From that point on friends, family, schoolmates, co-workers, even acquaintances would seek me out when they had questions or just wanted to talk Star Wars. While being our local keepers of the holocron isn't an uncommon theme for EU fans; I'm given to understand it was not always a certainty. While many of my fellow EU fans sought out forums to discuss their Star Wars fanaticism, I was content to teach those around me. My knowledge and opinions on all things Star Wars and LFL was welcomed and respected. Or so I thought. When Disney bought Star Wars I was naïve enough to think things would go on as always, I mean why would Disney mess with a cash cow like Star
All I knew was my father was very excited to share this with me. Its all a blur after that. I wasn't long before I started borrowing Star Wars books and audio tapes for my local library, and my and would buy me the trilogy box sets as they came released and she would buy my the LucasArts Archive collections. Before new it I was know to be a local expert in all things Star War. From that point on friends, family, schoolmates, co-workers, even acquaintances would seek me out when they had questions or just wanted to talk Star Wars. While being our local keepers of the holocron isn't an uncommon theme for EU fans; I'm given to understand it was not always a certainty. While many of my fellow EU fans sought out forums to discuss their Star Wars fanaticism, I was content to teach those around me. My knowledge and opinions on all things Star Wars and LFL was welcomed and respected. Or so I thought. When Disney bought Star Wars I was naïve enough to think things would go on as always, I mean why would Disney mess with a cash cow like Star