Evaluative Conditioning Paper

Improved Essays

This study was designed to investigate the application of evaluative conditioning when promoting a logo. The hypothesis being that pairing a positive image to said logo would result in more participants liking it, creating a positive reaction to an otherwise neutral image.
When advertising products, TV shows and sporting events endorsements by celebrities have been used to strengthen an observer’s feelings towards them (Brace, 2014). This association has been seen as effective by marketing and advertising companies and this experiment was designed to provide evidence in a controlled environment that this method is indeed effective.
The results of this experiment confirmed the hypothesis by providing statistical evidence that out of those participants who observed the paired images a larger percentage liked the logo when compared with the control group who did not see the pairing.
The image of graduating students affected the opinion of enough participants who observed the pairing with the IPTV logo to deem the results as being higher than would be expected by random.
This supports the findings of Chen et al (2012) that when paired with an image that is highly congruent with the neutral image the positive
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Although this was a logical argument and the results supported the hypothesis and the Chen et al study, further enquiry could be made into how the time of each image being visible and the number of slide’s impacts on the effectiveness of the evaluative conditioning. Further research could focus on studying this to find if there is a specific window of time that produces the most positive results, will the effects of the pairing be more pronounced resulting in a larger percentage liking the

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