European nations wanted their nation to be the strongest. For example, John Ruskin, a well regarded English intellectual, spoke about what the people of England needed to do for their country. He explained “... that their first aim is to be to advance the power of England by land and by sea” (Ruskin). He shows here that they wanted to advance England’s power; therefore, making England a more powerful country. This was the same for all the countries, they all were striving to be the largest and most powerful. This is an example of nationalism because it reveals how Ruskin said that the first thing the people should do is advance England’s power, and that shows how power was something the countries were all fighting for. In the end, Ruskin’s speech supports the idea that Nationalism was a driving force behind European Imperialism in Africa. Lastly, the most powerful driving force for European Imperialism was industrialization because it caused the Europeans to need raw materials for their new industries. The reason that this was a major driving force is because the Europeans discovered that …show more content…
The overall motivation of morality, nationalism, and industrialization that the Europeans had is what pushed them to industrialize Africa. This also would not have been possible without the technological inventions that gave Europeans an advantage. The driving forces of wanting to help the African people, wanting to grow their country’s power and size, and the vast amount of resources useful for the industries, are the reasons behind European Imperialism in Africa. Overall, the Europeans used these forces to conquer parts of Africa, increase their power and become stronger